References Public Libraries Act 1850


lisu. (2009). number of libraries. available from: [accessed april 12, 2010]
mcmenemy, d. (2009) public library london: facet
kelly, thomas, (1973) history of public libraries in great britain 1845-1965 london: library association
kelly,t & kelly, e (1977) books people: illustrated history of british public library london: andre deutsch
max, stanley m. (1984) tory reaction public libraries bill, 1850. journal of library history (1984): 504-524. in jstor
minto, j (1932) history of public library movement in great britain , ireland london: library association
murison, w j (1971) public library: origins, purpose , significance (2nd ed), london: harrap
sturges, p. (1996) conceptualizing public library 1850-1919. in.kinnell, m. , sturges, p. (eds) ..continuity , innovation in public library: development of social institution london: library association.

further reading

gray, d. (1949) public library makes century , library review, 12 (2) pp. 83–86.
charing, s. (1995) self-help v state intervention: 1850 public library act reflection of mid-victorian doctrine, australian library journal 44(1), pp. 47–54.
hoare, p. (ed.) (2006) cambridge history of libraries in britain , ireland, cambridge: cambridge university press.

primary source

hansard, parliamentary debates, 3rd ser., vol. cix (1850) col. 848
report of select committee evidence , appendix.(1834) london: house of commons.
report of select committee evidence , appendix.(1849) london: house of commons.


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