Research Serge Haroche

serge haroche (who won nobel prize in physics in 2012) visited stockholm, june 2016, member of wallenberg foundation scientific advisory board.

haroche works in atomic physics , quantum optics. principally known proving quantum decoherence experimental observation, while working colleagues @ École normale supérieure in paris in 1996.

after phd dissertation on dressed atoms under supervision of claude cohen-tannoudji (himself nobel prize recipient) 1967 1971, developed new methods laser spectroscopy in seventies, based on study of quantum beats , superradiance. moved on rydberg atoms, giant atomic states particularly sensitive microwaves, makes them adapted studying interactions between light , matter. showed such atoms, coupled superconducting cavity containing few photons, well-suited testing of quantum decoherence , realization of quantum logic operations necessary treatment of quantum information.


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