Treatment Marine sanitation device

1 treatment

1.1 biological treatment
1.2 chlorination , maceration
1.3 advanced water treatment


the purpose of msd treat incoming blackwater , graywater accumulates on board floating vessel. graywater water drains directly shower, sink, or machinery located in scullery. normally, graywater discharged directly overboard since not technically considered sewage , not damaging environment. however, in ports around world, discharge of fluids strictly prohibited. compensate situation, graywater piping rerouted msd. blackwater word sewage or human body wastes , wastes toilets. according international maritime organization or imo, untreated sewage cannot discharged overboard unless 12 nautical miles nearest land. due regulations issued imo , united states maritime administration (marad), every ship must have approved marine sanitation device aboard ship. blackwater therefore treated through process utilizes chlorination and/or biological treatment before being discharged overboard.

biological treatment

in type ii msds, sewage broken down through use of natural biological component. biological component aerobic bacteria occur in media tank. though sewage can have aerobic bacteria naturally, majority of bacteria population grown on mediums located within media tank. since aerobic bacteria require oxygen live, form of air pump necessary provide sufficient oxygen bacteria. air pump can fan or roots blower connected tank. providing sufficient air, of smell caused sewage , anaerobic bacteria eliminated.

chlorination , maceration

in type msds, sewage broken down through use of chlorination and/ or maceration. chlorination process done within large tank referred contact chamber. adding chlorine sewage, effluent sanitized , discharged msd. maceration process aboard ships done using form of machinery crush , pulverize incoming sewage. however, since large portion of bacteria still present in macerated sewage, sewage considered untreated still. due circumstance, maceration machinery paired form of chlorination process in same system. few places around world allow discharge of untreated sewage maceration process.

advanced water treatment

some vessels equipped advanced water treatment plants, called advanced wastewater purification (awp) systems, instead of traditional msds. commonly found on ships sail in alaskan waters , work in parallel onboard msd. royal caribbean international, example, havsinstalled awp systems on ships treat wastewater using advanced technology. royal caribbean awp systems include 3 types of water purification systems: scanship, hydroxyl/headworks , navalis. scanship , hydroxyl use biological treatment while navalis system uses advanced oxidation , filtration methods. scanship , hydroxyl systems use bacterial consume waste while utilizing chemical in order break down , remove solids. scanship , hydroxyl systems similar water treatment plants based on shore. involves simple 5 stage process. first stage involves prefilter screens removes heavy , noticeable solids waste influent. wastewater passed through biological reactor uses beneficial bacteria further break down solids. next influent pumped through flotation unit removes floatable waste. afterwards, clean water passed through polishing filters make water cleaner. last , final stage involves ultraviolet light reactor disinfects water. final product may dried, incinerated, stored, or discharged @ sea respect international regulations.

the navalis awp system utilizes seven-stage process in order treat wastewater. first stage involves wastewater entering shaker screens removes noticeable solids. wastewater passed through aet roughing reactor chemical equalization , load. influent treated three-stage particle removal process involve chemical flocculation, hydraulic separation, tubular filtration, , ultra filtration membranes. waste influent passed through oxidation reactors serve oxidize pollutants , aid production of carbon dioxide gas , water. seventh , final stage consists of powerful ultraviolet reactor in ozonated water broken down oxygen compounds provide further treatment of water. leftover solids oxidized provide safe bio-disposal or land based discharge if needed.


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