Trofimoff piston valves South African Class 5B 4-6-2

trofimoff valve, closed

trofimoff valve, open

the trofimoff piston valve consisted of 2 fixed discs secured valve spindle, , 2 junk rings, each carrying bull ring , 4 valve rings , both free move longitudinally on spindle. when regulator opened, steam forces loose valve bodies against respective fixed discs , act units, similar ordinary piston valves. when steam shut off, loose valve heads become detached respective discs , remain in idle positions near centre of steam chest, while valve spindle , fixed disks continue reciprocating motion spindle sliding freely through stationary loose valve heads, , steam , exhaust ports in communi­ca­tion. both ends of cylinders in communication, use of ordinary by-bass or snifting valves became unnecessary.

the first such experiment carried out on class 16c no. 851. further similar experiments carried out on class 16b no. 805 in july 1932, class 16da no. 876 in august 1932, class 15ca no. 2852 in march 1933 , on class 15a no. 1961. results of these extended tests did not prove entirely satisfactory , these engines gradually refitted standard piston valves , snifting valves.


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