Geography NAACP

the organization s national initiatives, political lobbying, , publicity efforts handled headquarters staff in new york , washington d.c. brilliant court strategies developed legal team based many years @ howard university.

naacp local branches have been important. when, in years, national office launched campaigns against birth of nation, local branches carried out boycotts. when organization fought expose , outlaw lynching, branches carried campaign hundreds of communities. , while legal defense fund developed federal court strategy of legal challenges segregation, many branches fought discrimination using state laws , local political opportunities, winning important victories.

those victories achieved in northern , western states before world war ii. when southern civil rights movement gained momentum in 1940s , 1950s, credit goes both legal defense fund attorneys , massive network of local branches ella baker , other organizers had spread across region.

most important, in local organizations great work of building culture of black political activism carried on. high rates of political engagement , activism of many different kinds has been story in african american community life , key progress in civil rights struggles throughout last century, , has lot persistent efforts of grassroots naacp chapters.


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