Innovations Nikolay Alexandrovich Milyutin

a student campus in moscow under construction using milyutin s low-cost framed timber structure. 1932

milyutin proposed various floorplans low-cost communal housing , patented low-cost girderless ceiling structure; 1 of proposals, published in 1932, materialized in practice. building working class barracks of transitional type – high density cells (up 11 square meters single room, 18 square meters double) without amenities of traditional urban apartments, not radical true communal houses. each building consisted of 2 blocks, set against each other , merging @ common staircase. staircase , adjacent shower rooms built in brick, else relied on frame timbers. windows, in line cliche of constructivist architecture, arranged in continuous strips running of building s length; milyutin proposed glazed facades these costly @ time. campus of milyutin s barracks built in moscow; original flat roofs replaced traditional sloped ones. these cheap , unsafe buildings have been demolished.


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