Theory Anti-imperialism

german chancellor otto von bismarck repeatedly let known disliked imperialism, german public opinion forced him build empire in africa , pacific in 1880s.

in late 1870s, term imperialism introduced english language opponents of aggressively imperial policies of british prime minister benjamin disraeli (1874–80). shortly appropriated supporters of imperialism such joseph chamberlain. some, imperialism designated policy of idealism , philanthropy; others alleged characterized political self-interest, , growing number associated capitalist greed. john a. hobson , lenin added more theoretical macroeconomic connotation term. many theoreticians on left have followed either or both in emphasizing structural or systemic character of imperialism. such writers have expanded time period associated term designates neither policy, nor short space of decades in late 19th century, global system extending on period of centuries, going christopher columbus and, in facts, crusades. application of term has expanded, meaning has shifted along 5 distinct parallel axes: moral, economic, systemic, cultural, , temporal. changes reflect—among other shifts in sensibility—a growing unease fact of power, specifically, western power.

the relationships among capitalism, aristocracy, , imperialism have been discussed , analysed theoreticians, historians, political scientists such john a. hobson , thorstein veblen, joseph schumpeter , norman angell. intellectuals produced of works imperialism before first world war (1914–18), yet combined work informed study of impact of imperialism upon europe, , contributed political , ideologic reflections on rise of military–industrial complex in 1950s onwards.

j. a. hobson said domestic social reforms cure international disease of imperialism removing economic foundation. hobson theorized state intervention through taxation boost broader consumption, create wealth, , encourage peaceful multilateral world order. conversely, should state not intervene, rentiers (people earn income property or securities) generate socially negative wealth fostered imperialism , protectionism.


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