Cold War Western Europe

political situation in europe during cold war

during 4 decades of cold war, definition of east , west rather simplified existence of eastern bloc. historians , social scientists view cold war definition of western , eastern europe outdated or relegating.

during final stages of world war ii, future of europe decided between allies in 1945 yalta conference, between british prime minister, winston churchill, u.s. president, franklin d. roosevelt, , premier of soviet union, joseph stalin.

post-war europe divided 2 major spheres: western bloc, influenced united states, , eastern bloc, influenced soviet union. onset of cold war, europe divided iron curtain. term had been used during world war ii german propaganda minister joseph goebbels , later count lutz schwerin von krosigk in last days of war; however, use hugely popularised winston churchill, used in famous sinews of peace address on 5 march 1946 @ westminster college in fulton, missouri:

from stettin in baltic trieste in adriatic iron curtain has descended across continent. behind line lie capitals of ancient states of central , eastern europe. warsaw, berlin, prague, vienna, budapest, belgrade, bucharest , sofia; these famous cities , populations around them lie in must call soviet sphere, , subject, in 1 form or another, not soviet influence high , in cases increasing measure of control moscow.

although countries officially neutral, classified according nature of political , economic systems. division largely defines popular perception , understanding of western europe , borders eastern europe.

former western european union - members , associates

the world changed dramatically fall of iron curtain in 1989. west germany peacefully absorbed east germany, in german reunification. comecon , warsaw pact dissolved, , in 1991, soviet union ceased exist. several countries had been part of soviet union regained full independence.


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