Description Long-tailed ground roller

the long-tailed ground roller largely terrestrial.

the long-tailed ground roller s silhouette highly distinctive due long tail , plump silhouette. bird 34 47 centimeters (13 19 in) long, although tail can contribute 30 centimeters (12 in) of length, makes longest tail of of ground rollers. ground roller has short wings , long, pinkish-brown legs. male has sandy buff crown , dark brown upperparts black streaks. supercilium pale buff color, while ear-coverts brown. eyes brown, while short , stout beak black. tongue long brush-like tip collect insects. white stripe present @ base of bill , surrounded brown , black malar stripes. these malar stripes , black breastband frame white throat. tail has 15 20 dark brown bars marking it, while outer rectrices sky blue; sky blue present on wing-coverts. in flight, bird s 2 black , white bands on primaries , secondaries conspicuous. underparts light gray, , breast white. toes zygodactylous, first , fourth toes turned outwards , middle 2 toes turned inwards. female resembles male, smaller , has narrower chestband , shorter tail. also, female loses tail while nesting. these differences make long-tailed ground roller ground roller definitively display sexual dimorphism. juveniles of both sexes resemble adult female, have duller plumage, particularly in black bands on chest, neck, , eyes.

although silent species, during breeding season vocalizations of long-tailed ground roller include hooting sound, popping tu-tuc, , soft boo sound. low-pitched hooting given males perch 2 6 meters (6.6 19.7 ft) above ground @ dusk or @ night. sound carries distance of @ least 200 meters (660 ft) , may either attract mate or defend territory. bird pumps tail while giving call. 1 territorial call series of soft boo notes, typically coming in sets of 6 ten , descending in volume near end. call, given both sexes, series of chuckling tu-tuc sounds lasting between 10 , 40 seconds ends in loud snapping sound produced wings. call given when birds close each other either on ground or on low perches, , not carry on long distances. use of wing-snapping produce sound rare phenomenon in birds, , in order coraciiformes 1 other family, todies, known it. low gu notes given mates come in contact each other.


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