Marxism-Leninism.2C and anti-imperialism Anti-imperialism

to russian revolutionary lenin, imperialism highest, degenerate, stage of capitalism.

in mid-19th century, in das kapital (1867–94), karl marx mentioned imperialism part of prehistory of capitalist mode of production. more important lenin, defined imperialism highest stage of capitalism , economic stage in monopoly finance capital becomes dominant application of capital. such, said financial , economic circumstances impelled national governments , private business corporations worldwide competition control of natural resources , human labour means of colonialism.

the leninist views of imperialism, , related theories, such dependency theory, address economic dominance , exploitation of country, rather military , political dominance of people, country, , natural resources. hence, primary purpose of imperialism economic exploitation, rather mere control of either country or of region. marxist , leninist denotation differs usual political-science denotation of imperialism direct control (intervention, occupation, , rule) characteristic of colonial , neo-colonial empires, used in realm of international relations.

in imperialism, highest stage of capitalism (1917), lenin outlined 5 features of capitalist development lead imperialism:

generally, relationship among marxists , radical, left-wing organisations anti-war, involves persuading such political activists progress pacifism anti-imperialism—that is, progress opposition of war, in general, condemnation of capitalist economic system, in particular.

in 20th century, ussr represented foremost enemy of imperialism, , politically , materially supported third world revolutionary organisations fought national independence. ussr sent military advisors ethiopia, angola, egypt, , afghanistan. nonetheless, ussr behaved imperialist power when asserted sphere-of-influence dominance upon afghanistan (1979–89) , dominated countries of eastern europe, baltic states, , caucasus, accorded in yalta agreement (4–11 february 1945) during second world war (1939–45).

such imperialist behaviour ideologically discredited ussr not abiding principles of marxism; alternatively, anarchists presented such soviet imperialism evidence philosophy of marxism not resolve , eliminate imperialism. notably, mao zedong developed theory ussr social-imperialist nation, socialist people tendencies imperialism, important aspect of maoist analysis of history of ussr. contemporarily, term anti-imperialism commonly applied marxists, , political organisations of ideologic bent, propose anti-capitalism, present class analysis of society, etc.

to latin-american revolutionary che guevara, imperialism capitalistic geopolitical system of control , repression, must understood such in order defeated.

about nature of imperialism, , how oppose , defeat it, revolutionary che guevara said:

imperialism world system, last stage of capitalism—and must defeated in world confrontation. strategic end of struggle should destruction of imperialism. our share, responsibility of exploited , underdeveloped of world, eliminate foundations of imperialism: our oppressed nations, extract capitals, raw materials, technicians, , cheap labor, , export new capitals—instruments of domination—arms , kinds of articles; submerging in absolute dependence.


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