Applications Residual stress

prince rupert s drops

in toughened glass, compressive stresses induced on surface of glass, balanced tensile stresses in body of glass. due residual compressive stress on surface, toughened glass more resistant cracks, shatter small shards when outer surface broken. demonstration of effect shown prince rupert s drop, material-science novelty in molten glass globule quenched in water: because outer surface cools , solidifies first, when volume cools , solidifies, wants take smaller volume outer skin has defined; puts of volume in tension, pulling skin in, putting skin in compression. result, solid globule extremely tough, able hit hammer, if long tail broken, balance of forces upset, causing entire piece shatter violently.

in types of gun barrels made 2 tubes forced together, inner tube compressed while outer tube stretches, preventing cracks opening in rifling when gun fired.


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