Characters The Dragon Jousters series

1 characters

1.1 kiron/vetch + avatre
1.2 ari + kashet
1.3 kiron s wing

1.3.1 orest
1.3.2 toreth
1.3.3 ka-lenteth
1.3.4 pe-atep
1.3.5 huras
1.3.6 ganek-at-kel-te-ronet
1.3.7 oset-re
1.3.8 menet-ka
1.3.9 aket-ten

1.4 minor characters

1.4.1 other dragon boys
1.4.2 bedu
1.4.3 aket-ten s family

kiron/vetch + avatre

kiron protagonist , main character of books 1-3 , primary character in book 4. starts series serf (read: abused slave) name due culture named vetch. rescued master ari. vetch/kiron later escapes slavery (with ari)and makes way alta, becomes leader of first wing of tame dragons.

avatre kiron s dragon , second tame dragon in known history. color of rubies, though shades through topaz in places; name means fire-of-the-dawn . born in tian jousters compound, vetch/kiron raised until old enough carry him, @ point escaped.

ari + kashet

ari starts series tian jouster. trained scribe boy, , in capacity first entered compound of tian jousters. honorable, , @ end of first book helps vetch escape tian jousters (and tia), after seeing how vetch rather die return. revealed son of tian great king s brother near beginning of sanctuary. kashet, ari s dragon, first tame dragon in history.

kiron s wing


orest, had found passion. had flung himself work dragon point kiron had order him rest. when wasn t tending dragon —which immaculately groomed scales gleamed gems—he reading them, asking advice of other dragon boys, , (when dared) querying jousters combat. father, being resigned, proud of youngest son of eldest.


(murdered) toreth little more divided. again, had be; likeliest heirs thrones, , brother perforce spent lot of time in learning governance. and, though not kiron have expected, mastering tasks of dragon care came prince breathing. perhaps calmness, seemed have of tranquilizing effect on charge tala did. after first day, toreth had come pens royal hairstyle gone; had opted cut aket-ten s, @ chin length. said nothing it, , nothing ever said him, kiron knew serious after day.


ka-lenteth, falconer, had fractious of beasts, , result, took longer others accustom hand. tried immense store of patience time or two, , 1 injured. not badly, dragon had learned use of tail intimidate, , kiron had young falconer fitted actual boots before moon over. kalen (as liked called) smallest of boys, thin , wiry, , seldom spoke. when did, in low, soft voice. kiron heard him shout once, when got first lash of tail across shins.


pe-atep, cat keeper, kalen s match in patience, exact opposite physically. taller , broader prince, equally broad, flat face , booming voice when raised in conversation. had no trouble fractious charge, staring down during first confrontation—something said worked on lions. , kalen found experimenting minute changes in dragons diets see if there corresponding change in behavior. not varying tala ration, of course, changing kinds of meat , mix of meat organs, adding things hide , hair.


huras friend of pe-atep, though not animal keeper. son of baker, lowest-born of lot. , second no 1 in intelligence. tore through scrolls on dragons, jousting, , dragon keeping twice fast else, , read stayed in memory forever. otherwise, average-looking in appearance; have run fat if hadn t been working hard.


ganek-at-kel-te-ronet (gan) have been highest-ranking member of group, if prince had not been 1 of them. gan tall, lanky, , had languid air him gave impression didn t care great deal except, perhaps, food , gossip. nothing have been further truth. oldest, no longer boy, young man—and airs concealed passion fervent orest s. kiron had feeling that, orest, had been looking entire life without knowing was. , had found it.


oset-re, peacock of group, , friend of orest s. was, put bluntly, beautiful human being kiron had ever seen, of either sex. no matter time of day or task engaged in, impeccably, flawlessly groomed , clothed. whenever ventured outside compound, women flirted him covertly or openly, , ari, there women pursued him shamelessly. , wore peacock persona mask was. beneath seeming vanity hard purpose, honed razor sharpness. had seen kiron had avatre on visit, , determined have bond himself. not @ costs; have honor or not @ all. if meant ruining finest kilts achieve it. had made 1 great sacrifice; day after toreth cut hair, did oset-re.


menet-ka shy, never spoke above whisper or unless first spoken to, hung @ of group, , seldom made eye contact. successful @ self-effacement people knew him have had hard time describing him, , if there 3 other people in room, forget there. had never yet demonstrated why here, must have taken extraordinary act of him put himself forward.


aket-ten tooke on toreth s dragon after murder. orest s little sister , faked losing gifts magi.

minor characters
other dragon boys

very little of other dragon boys second book onward. in first book shows life , chores dragon boys charged within jouster compound. examples of chores making sure lances jousters use in shape jousters fight with. cleaning living space jousters live in. feeding dragon charged with.

the bedu

also known blue people, desert nomads guide people of alta , tia , forth cities of mefis, sanctuary, , aerie. little known other live in desert , takes of resources survive. person allowed talk outsiders called mouth of bedu.

aket-ten s family

aket-ten has 7 brothers, including orest, , first female jouster in history. has father (lord ya-tiren) , mother. not show in alta show more in sanctuary.


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